Arz (Anyay Rahit Zindagi)
Stop Trafficking Donate
Sailee Gosavi

Sailee Gosavi

Sailee comes from a Mathematics background and has also completed her Social Work degree from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. She has always been keen to work on women’s issues and has long been inspired by anti-prostitution theories. She believes that being forced into prostitution is the ultimate subjugation of a person’s body and soul. According to her, the concept of “choice” when it comes to “sex work” cannot exist in a vacuum without providing vulnerable communities with livelihood options to actually choose from. She joined the team after studying ARZ’s work over the past 25 years, knowing that the commitment to end sex trafficking is the ultimate goal. Her shared beliefs and ways of working with the community make it easier for her to fit into the ecosystem created at ARZ.