Arz (Anyay Rahit Zindagi)
Stop Trafficking Donate
Goal, Mission and Vision

Goal, Mission and Vision

Our Goal

To eliminate sexual violence and commercial sexual exploitation, creating a successful model to demonstrate effective social work interventions adopting a rights-based approach.

Our Mission

To combat sexual violence and trafficking through comprehensive social work interventions, including prevention, rescue, economic rehabilitation, and reintegration of victims while working in collaboration with various stakeholders.

Our Vision

A world devoid of sexual exploitation where people regardless of their background, live with dignity and equal opportunities.

ARZs Philosophy on Commercial Sexual Exploitation

  • Commercial sexual exploitation of persons is the most heinous crime against human beings
  • Commercial sexual exploitation is a form of bonded slavery that results in consistent and unrecognized victimization of the most marginalized and stigmatized group in society
  • Through effective social work intervention it is possible to limit trafficking of human beings as well as limit abuse and exploitation of trafficked victims