Arz (Anyay Rahit Zindagi)
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Law related to Trafficking

 Proposed ammendement to the Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1956

  1. Article 23 of the constitution of India provides for prohibition of human trafficking and all forms of exploitation.
  2. There are central laws such as Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1956 and Indian Penal Code and state laws like Goa Children’s Act, 2003, which deals with offences related to trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation of children.
  3. Section 366–A and 373 of the Indian Penal Code provides for punishment related to trafficking of minors. Section 366-A deals with punishment for procurement of minor girls for prostitution and Section 373 with buying of minors for purposes of prostitution.
  4. Section 9 of the Goa Children’s Act, 2003 deals with offences related to child trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. It states that
    • Child prostitution shall be prohibited
    • It shall be the duty of the State to remove all child prostitutes from their existing place of exploitation and to ensure that they are rehabilitated and integrated into society
    • The State shall prepare a comprehensive Plan of Action for this purpose which shall include providing education and livelihood skills to such children and the prevention of child prostitution
  5. The Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1956 deals with commercialization of prostitution and has various provisions to control commercialization of prostitution and stringent punishment for trafficking of children. The act also provides for a rehabilitation home for the rehabilitation of the victims of prostitution.
  6. The United Nations Convention on the rights of the Child, 1989, defines child prostitution as sexual exploitation of a child below 18 years for remuneration in cash or kind. It is also important to note that child prostitution today is very closely related to child pornography (visual or audio media which uses children in a sexual context).
  7. The enactment of the Immoral Traffic Prevention, Act, 1956 is not aimed for abolition of prostitutes and prostitution as such and make it per se a criminal offence or punish a woman because she prostitutes herself, the purpose of the enactment was to inhibit or abolish commercialized vice, namely, traffic in women and girls for purposes of prostitution as an organized means of living.” – Madras High Court