Since 2001, ARZ has served as the nodal social work organization in joint collaboration with the Directorate of Womenand Child Development (DWCD), providing comprehensive rehabilitative services to the residents of the Government Protective Home (referred to as SPH) in Merces, Goa. DWCD manageslogistics, finance, and administration, while a team of experienced professionals from ARZ, trained in counseling, law, and skill development, works directly with the residents.
Psychosocial Group Therapy: Victims are provided group therapy sessions such as relationship building, relaxation, understanding emotions, creative and critical thinking, and self-awareness. This helps the victims in feeling at ease.
Therapeutic Counseling: Victims are provided with one-on-one counselling sessions throughout their stay at the home. This facilitates the healing process of the victims from the trauma and abuse they have faced due to commercial sexual exploitation.
Income Generation: Victims are provided with income-generating opportunities. They receive materials, including stitching supplies, bags for embroidery, and crocheting materials, through which they are able to stitch and earn.
Legal Assistance: Victims are provided with legal assistance, which includes mobilizing Home Investigation Reports (HIR). Victims are assisted in being repatriated to their home state, with support such as booking tickets, arranging travel kits, providing financial assistance, and connecting them with NGOs in the source state. ARZ also participates in panel meetings and helps in preparing the victims for deposition.
Group Activities: In these activities, both the residents and staff at the State Protective Home (SPH), along with ARZ staff, actively participate. These activities are designed to be recreational and enjoyable, including fashion shows, rangoli making, and simple, engaging games.
Capacity Building: SPH and ARZ staff conduct monthly meetings at the State Protective Home (SPH) to discuss the ongoing work, address any pressing issues or necessary changes, and explore new, innovative ideas to improve conditions for the residents.
Resident Meetings: ARZ, SPH staff, and the residents participate in this monthly meeting, which focuses exclusively on addressing the issues faced by the residents at the protective home, to find solutions through discussion.
Capacity Building of Staff: ARZ conducts training for the SPH staff to equip them to work with victims in a trauma-informed and sensitized manner.
Aftercare Services: These services are provided once the victims are repatriated to their home states. They include regular follow-ups with the victims and their families, as well as financial and other forms of assistance to ensure they are not at risk of being re-trafficked.
Material Requirements: ARZ provides various materials to victims based on their needs. This includes arts and crafts supplies for activities and specific immediate requirements of the residents.